Intrinsic Drive®
This show was born of a desire to explore and share individual and collective experiences of pursuit, dedication, and growth - transforming discipline into habit, enjoying the process, and actualizing dreams. DO YOU REMEMBER……your lowest moment? What urged you forward? How did you pick yourself up, dust yourself off—and return to your path? Did you long for a roadmap, guide, or mentor? How did you pivot and continue your journey? In this show, we discover the deeper drives and strategies our guests employed to rise in their chosen endeavors. We learn the key decisions and defining moments forging their lives on the anvil. We learn how they commit to the process through a life of embracing their craft. Many have achieved excellence, even mastery. They impart gems of wisdom. During these episodes, we may be able to take away valuable concepts, adopt new mindsets, and implement empowering ways of being. During this podcast, we ask our guests essential questions - we discover their genesis, rise, and fall. We learn how they pivoted back on course, resuming their journey - confiding what they would redo or do differently. We learn crucial decisions forging them on the anvil. During these interviews, stories, and conversations we reveal their Intrinsic Drive™.
Written by human beings for human beings
Written by human beings for human beings
Podcasting since 2021 • 53 episodes
Intrinsic Drive®
Latest Episodes
Season Five Reflections
Hard times threaten resolve; when every ounce of energy is depleted, flatlining – of mind, body, and spirit - occurs. In this depleted state one often reverts to old, restrictive patterns of behavior – well worn habits that no longer serv...
Season 5
Episode 10

Organic Chemistry with Dr. Maitland Jones
Maitland Jones Jr. wanted to be tennis player. At thirteen he attempted to enlist his parents into chauffeuring him around the east coast junior tennis circuit, to which t...
Season 5
Episode 9

Cultivating Creativity with Actress & Horticulturalist Kathleen O'Grady
Photo: Kathleen O'Grady (L) Faith Imaafiion (R) Theatre of Note's production of Fruition 2019A lifelong actor, ...
Season 5
Episode 8
Musical Mentoring with Two-Time Grammy Winning Producer Robert Cutarella
Robert Cutarella spent most of his childhood evenings burrowed under his pillows, a transistor radio speaker in his ear listening to the Dick Clark Show and other famous deejays. A pass...
Season 5
Episode 7

Manual Transmission with Small Farmer's Journal Founder Lynn R. Miller
Lynn R. Miller is a painter, farmer, horseman, and writer. Odd jobs ranging from commercial fisherman, logger, sawyer, farmer, workhorse teamster, lecturer, and cattle rancher, supported him through colleg...
Season 5
Episode 6