Intrinsic Drive®
This show was born of a desire to explore and share individual and collective experiences of pursuit, dedication, and growth - transforming discipline into habit, enjoying the process, and actualizing dreams. DO YOU REMEMBER……your lowest moment? What urged you forward? How did you pick yourself up, dust yourself off—and return to your path? Did you long for a roadmap, guide, or mentor? How did you pivot and continue your journey? In this show, we discover the deeper drives and strategies our guests employed to rise in their chosen endeavors. We learn the key decisions and defining moments forging their lives on the anvil. We learn how they commit to the process through a life of embracing their craft. Many have achieved excellence, even mastery. They impart gems of wisdom. During these episodes, we may be able to take away valuable concepts, adopt new mindsets, and implement empowering ways of being. During this podcast, we ask our guests essential questions - we discover their genesis, rise, and fall. We learn how they pivoted back on course, resuming their journey - confiding what they would redo or do differently. We learn crucial decisions forging them on the anvil. During these interviews, stories, and conversations we reveal their Intrinsic Drive™.
Written by human beings for human beings
Written by human beings for human beings
53 episodes
Season Five Reflections
Hard times threaten resolve; when every ounce of energy is depleted, flatlining – of mind, body, and spirit - occurs. In this depleted state one often reverts to old, restrictive patterns of behavior – well worn habits that no longer serv...
Season 5
Episode 10

Organic Chemistry with Dr. Maitland Jones
Maitland Jones Jr. wanted to be tennis player. At thirteen he attempted to enlist his parents into chauffeuring him around the east coast junior tennis circuit, to which t...
Season 5
Episode 9

Cultivating Creativity with Actress & Horticulturalist Kathleen O'Grady
Photo: Kathleen O'Grady (L) Faith Imaafiion (R) Theatre of Note's production of Fruition 2019A lifelong actor, ...
Season 5
Episode 8
Musical Mentoring with Two-Time Grammy Winning Producer Robert Cutarella
Robert Cutarella spent most of his childhood evenings burrowed under his pillows, a transistor radio speaker in his ear listening to the Dick Clark Show and other famous deejays. A pass...
Season 5
Episode 7

Manual Transmission with Small Farmer's Journal Founder Lynn R. Miller
Lynn R. Miller is a painter, farmer, horseman, and writer. Odd jobs ranging from commercial fisherman, logger, sawyer, farmer, workhorse teamster, lecturer, and cattle rancher, supported him through colleg...
Season 5
Episode 6

Thrills and Enchantments with Small Farmer's Journal Founder Lynn R. Miller
Lynn R. Miller is a painter, farmer, horseman, and writer. Odd jobs ranging from commercial fisherman, logger, sawye...
Season 5
Episode 5

Music Majesty with Barbara and Lili Anel
Music Intro: "Another Place, Another Time."--Performed by Lily Anel in collaboration with Barbara Anel. Music Outro: "Estey's Theme."--written and performed by Barbara Anel. Photo Provided by : Lili Anel ...
Season 5
Episode 5

Protect, Restore, and Empower with Haejin Shim Fujimura
Haejin Shim Fujimura describes her college years as rebellious. While searching for her life purpose she received a calling to raise funds and attend World Vision’s® 30 Hour Famine retreat. ...
Season 5
Episode 3
Wise Decisons with Dr. Jim Loehr
Dr. Jim Loehr has authored 19 books including, New York Times bestseller,
Season 5
Episode 2

Reconnecting America with Rails To Trails President Ryan Chao
Urban trail access began as a young boy for Ryan Chao; growing up in Portland, Oregon, skiing, fishing, and cycling were a way of life. After architecture school, he mentored wi...
Season 5
Episode 1

Season Four Reflections
The gift of stepping inside the lives of this season’s guests gave me unexpected insight for my own challenges, struggles, and failures. Answers are there when we allow ourselves to listen.·This world is full of landmines for those who h...
Season 4
Episode 11

The Eyes of Orson Welles with Beatrice Welles
Beatrice Mori Gerfalco Welles has devoted her extraordinary life to a multitude of humanitarian causes, in addition to her tireless dedication to the preservation of the work of her fa...
Season 4
Episode 10
I Can I Must I Will with Three-Time Olympic Medalist DeeDee Trotter
Three-time Olympic Medalist, DeeDee Trotter has been a fierce competitor since the age of ten. She loved basketball and dreamed of playing for legendary coach Pat Summit at the University of Tennessee. H...
Season 4
Episode 9

Art + Faith: A Theology of Making with Makoto Fujimura
Makoto Fujimura’s home and community were devastated during the terrorist attacks of 9/11, emotional fractures began to surface. He found solace in his art<...
Season 4
Episode 8
Kate's Take with Kate Erickson
Kate Erickson is the engine that powers the daily Entrepreneurs On Fire Podcast as well as
Season 4
Episode 7
Challenge Accepted with Mary Sullivan of mikeroweWORKS
Mary Sullivan, a straight-A biochemistry major while at Loyola University, thought she wanted to be a doctor but came to the realization that medicine wasn’t for her. She c...
Season 4
Episode 6

Nowhere But Up with Andre Williams
As Andre Williams saw it, there were only two options for men in his family - join the military or become a drug dealer on the streets of his hometown Richmond, Virginia.&n...
Season 4
Episode 5
She Engineers with Stephanie Slocum
Stephanie Slocum, was quickly moving up the corporate ladder planning to enjoy the engineering career of her dreams. As an architectural engineer, she loved designing the “bones” of a structur...
Season 4
Episode 4

Automata Mastery with Cecilia Schiller
Cecilia Schiller was born into a working-class family, without money for college she became a hairstylist. While viewing a retrospective of the abstract expressionist sculptor and designer, Isamu...
Season 4
Episode 3

Small Change Big Impact with Eve Picker
As a young girl growing up in Australia, Eve Picker loved playing with Lego blocks, solving math problems, and exploring cities. Armed with degrees in architecture and urban design, she moved to Pittsburgh’s Friendship neighborhood, where she r...
Season 4
Episode 2

Victims No Longer with Mike Lew
As an eight-year-old boy from a large family, living together in a Brooklyn tenement, Mike Lew had a singular goal—to meet every person on the planet. Today, Mike and his Next Step Counseling, co-director Thomas Harrigan, travel ...
Season 4
Episode 1

Season Three Reflections
It's hard to believe fourteen months are now in the rear view mirror of my podcasting odyssey. Like a long uphill climb at a steady pace, this season's guests inspired me upward--to discover what lies beyond the next bend in the road. ...
Season 3
Episode 10
Staying The Course with Dick Beardsley
In the early eighties Dick Beardsley was one of world’s most famous athletes. He is an American distance runner best known for his first-place tie in the 1981 London Marathon and his c...
Season 3
Episode 9